Degree in Dramatic Arts at the university "Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático", in Seville.
Master Degree in Performing Arts at the university "Universidad Rey Juan Carlos I".
2017/ Cinema and TV technique with Javier Godino.
2016/ Training workshop in "Joven Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico".
Workshop of playwriting with Laura Rubio Galletero
Contemporary dance with Marta Gómez.
2015/ Workshop about Shakespeare with Will Keen.
Voice training with Celia Guisasola.
2014/ Actoral Training with Lidia Otón, in Estudio Juan Codina.
Casting workshop with Álvaro Haro, Tonucha Vidal and Javier Luna.
2013/ "Verse on stage" with Jesús Fuente. Cía. RAKATá.
2012/ Actoral camera training with Macarena Pombo.
"Passions, dramatic states and emotions" workshop with Mar Navarro and Andrés Hernández.
"Acting tools in cinema and televison" workshop with Eva Lesmes.
2011/ "Neutral mask" workshop with Mar Navarro and Andrés Hernández.
2011/ Casting workshop with Camilla Isola and José Manuel Carrasco.
2010/ "Meeting for research in drama" workshop with Julio Fraga.
2010/ "The written voice" workshop of playwriting with Juan Alberto Salvatierra.
2009/ Voice seminar with Liliana Aracil.
2007/ "From drama to ritual" voice seminar with Biba Sheikh.
2006/ Drama training workshop with TAPTC? TEATRO Company.
Complementary Tranining:
Riding in the Equestrian center "Ecupasil".
Mime and Pantomime with Juan Antonio de la Plaza.
Flamenco dance with Aloma de Balma (2013).
with Fani Murillo (2008-09).
Fencing with Amparo Ruiz.